Website Development

Conversion focused websites that deliver more leads, and more sales.

Lead generation

Get on the front page of Google search for the terms your customers are searching for and drive more qualified traffic to your website.

Build a marketing and sales funnel

Make sure your website is doing its job -- generating sales. You wouldn't put up with a sales person that just looked good but didn't generate any sales would you?

Return on investment

With Eyepatch you'll be able to justify the investment you made in your website with improved conversion rates, and clear business results.

Web development that puts conversion first

Your website is ugly. Or at least if you're like most people looking for web development services, you want a "cleaner", slicker web presence. We see it all the time. A company comes to us and wants to develop a new website and the conversation revolves around how it looks.

Oh. Yeah. And it's supposed to convert visitors into leads or purchases.

This critical mistake has cost companies millions of dollars. Because they launch their new, beautiful website, and as soon as the metrics start coming in, they realize they just cut their income in half.

We believe in a different approach. Your company doesn't have a website just for fun. The website is as much a salesperson as any person on your team.

Starting with the web design

It's possible to have a website that converts your traffic into leads, and sales while still looking clean and modern. All it takes is putting the conversion first. So, it turns out that some of the most over used web design features, like sliders at the top of a page, are terrible for conversions. Who knew zipping an offer past somebody was a losing strategy?

Put the conversion first

Above all, what's the objective of the page? Where does this page fit in with the rest of the website and the user journey? What's the primary next step the user should take on this page and what should we offer if they're not ready yet?

These are just a few of the questions that will guide the design of the website. Think about the path a user should take, and build around that. As a result of that process, we make sure that your website isn't pulling them in a different direction for the sake of "creativity".

Website speed = conversions

The other problem with putting design in front of conversion is that you end up with a brutally slow website. All those design elements weigh your website down and result is slow website load times.

Who cares? Well, Google itself has publicly stated that it prioritizes fast websites in search engine results. And a fast website has a lower bounce rate than a slow one. Also, the Google AdWords blog found that "for every one-second delay in page load time, conversions can fall by up to 20%". So, if you're concerned about the business results your website drives, you should definitely care about your page speed.

B2B or B2C website development should result in more sales

Make sure that you're investing in a project that will generate clear results for you, and your company. Launch a new website design and be one of the few that can share improved conversion rates, decreased bounce rates, and increased revenue with your team.

Let's talk about your website project

Whether you've decided on a ground-up new website for your business, or you're looking to iterate, or maybe you're not even sure if you should be considering working on your website -- we're happy to talk.

Shoot us an email or schedule a call and we'll discuss your current situation and where you need to go, that way we can suggest the best path forward for you.


Let's talk about your website project!

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation where we'll discuss your objectives, and recommend a plan of action.

Website development services we offer

We offer a host of content marketing services. Whether you already have some content marketing functions built up in your company and simply need a little extra capacity, or you want to get a winning content marketing strategy up and running from scratch in little time -- we can help. 

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