Content Marketing

We'll design and execute an inbound content marketing campaign that will increase your traffic, build credibility, and move your prospects through the sales funnel.

Increase organic traffic (SEO)

Get on the front page of Google search for the terms your customers are searching for and drive more qualified traffic to your website.

Build thought leadership

Create a position as a trusted authority and you will generate more leads, close more deals, and shorten your sales cycle length.

Nurture prospects into sales

Keep prospects engaged even if they drop out of touch with your sales team by delivering relevant, quality content to them to stay top of mind.

A strategy of preeminence

Content marketing takes many forms:

  • Blog posts
  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Whitepapers and ebooks
  • Email or drip sequences
  • Guest posting
  • Videos and reviews

Regardless of the exact media mix used, the purpose of content marketing is to build a position of thought leadership, and deliver the right content to prospects that will keep them engaging with you and your brand.

When we execute a content marketing strategy we conduct extensive research to identify the area to focus on. If you need more top-of-funnel activity, to bring in more traffic then we target early, or pre-interest queries. If on the other hand, you have a healthy marketing funnel but are looking to improve lead-to-opportunity, or opportunity win rates then delivering content that addresses common objections, and reassures prospects that you and your solution is right for them are key.

Perhaps even more importantly, a "strategy of preeminence" changes how your customers buy. By becoming a trusted advisor, and true thought leader in your industry, you make it almost impossible for a prospect to buy from anyone but you. When a prospect is presented with two companies, one which publishes innovative and relevant-to-them content, and another who maybe has a blog where they post an update once every couple of months about who they partnered with, it's a no-brainer.

People prefer to do business with innovators, and those contributing original thought to their industry. Presented with the person that "wrote the book" on the topic versus a "me too" individual, 9 times out of 10 people will choose the authority even if it means spending more money.

of B2B buyers that consume at least 3-5 pieces of content before contacting sales
B2B buyers that consume content from industry thought leaders before purchasing
of B2B buyers consider content as trustworthy when evaluating a company and its offerings

Let's talk about your content strategy!

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation where we'll discuss your objectives, and recommend a plan of action.

Content marketing services we offer

We offer a host of content marketing services. Whether you already have some content marketing functions built up in your company and simply need a little extra capacity, or you want to get a winning content marketing strategy up and running from scratch in little time -- we can help. 

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