About Us

Welcome to Eyepatch

Eyepatch is a boutique, Toronto-based, marketing agency that specializes in B2B marketing and sales. We provide your company with clear results and a shortcut to revenue growth.

Who We Are

We are a team of sales and marketing professionals that have a passion for B2B and B2C marketing.

Our Mission

Offer businesses a revenue and conversion focused agency that can quickly and efficiently get them to their goals.

What We Do

We deploy proven best practices and winning strategies to our clients so that they see clear ROI and business impact.

Our History

Eyepatch was founded because while running B2B and B2C companies' marketing and sales departments, we frequently had to search for marketing agencies to help deliver projects.


But what we found was that agency after agency pitched us their very creative, and funny, and slick ideas -- but they missed the most important part: how effective the project would be at increasing sales.


Too many agencies are focused on what will look great in their portfolio. In 13 years of experience marketing we've learned that what sells isn't always what looks "super slick" and it usually doesn't involve the latest design trend.


So we launched Eyepatch after getting frustrated that we couldn't find a conversion focused agency that only cared about delivering business results. We've worked with businesses large and small, B2B and B2C, and of hugely varied industries. We're not for everyone, but if you care more about how much business your digital marketing drives rather than the design aesthetic we should talk about your next project.

Our 6 Step Framework

  • 01

  • Discover

    We learn about your business, your products/services, and your customers. We work to deeply understand where we are starting from.

  • 02

  • Define

    Clearly define the objectives and how we will measure progress. You can't improve what you don't measure, and you have to know what you're measuring first.

  • 03

  • Design

    Here we design the plan of attack on how we will deliver the expected end result and which strategy will be employed.

  • 04

  • Execute

    This is where the tactical part of the project actually creates and actions the objective-oriented plan we've created together.

  • 05

  • Evaluate

    We work iteratively; that means that we evaluate direction and assumptions early, and often. We want to identify whether we're on the right path, or need to reiterate, early.

  • 06

  • Refine

    Once the data has started to come in, we learn where to fine tune to maximize results. We all love big first results, but refinement is where the magic happens.

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